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Set Up Entities, Roles, and Permissions On Your Service

These instructions will walk you through adding entities, roles, and setting permissions on those entities for your service.

Next, you'll also see how to commit changes and manage versions. Finally, you'll learn how to build your app and download the generated source code.

Let's get started.



If you haven't set up your service yet, create your first service using our Service Creation wizard.

Step 1 - Create an Entity

  1. On your Service's Overview page, click Go to Entities, or from the main menu (left sidebar) click the Entities icon.

The Entities page opens. Here you see all the entities in your application.


When you initially established your service using the service creation wizard, you had the choice to incorporate entities into your service from a set of pre-defined entities, or leave it empty.

If you opted not to use the pre-defined entities, you'll find your Entities screen with only one entity, User. This entity auto-generated when you created the new service.

In this example, we'll now add another entity called Project.

  1. Click Add Entity.
  2. In the New Entity dialog, type Project.
  3. Click Create Entity.

When creating an Entity, make sure you do not use a reserved name for the name of the Entity or for any of its fields. Check our list of reserved names on GitHub.

You now have a new entity named Project. Notice that the added entity comes with auto-generated values such as “Plural Display Name” and some default fields – ID, Created At, and Updated At.

Step 2 - Add Entity Fields

To describe your project add some new fields. For this example, we will add the following fields:

  • Name – for saving the project name
  • Description – for saving a more detailed description of the project
  • Start Date – for saving the date on which this project starts
  • Owner – for assigning a user to be an owner of the project

You might find it easier to first add all the fields you want, one after another, and only afterwards set the properties of each field.

Create the Name Field

  1. In the Entity Fields text box (above the list of fields), type “Name”.
  2. Click Add field (or just press Enter). The new field is added to the list and the field's property panel opens.
  3. Click the Required Field toggle to configure the Name field as required.
  4. Leave the defaults for the other properties (Searchable active, Data Type "Single Line Text", and Max Length "1000").


All changes are saved automatically.

Create the Description Field

  1. In the Entity Fields text box type “Description”.
  2. Click Add field (or just press Enter). The new field is added to the list and the field's property panel opens.
  3. Leave the defaults (Required Field inactive Searchable active, Data Type "Multi Line Text", and Max Length "1000").

If the Searchable setting is not activated, the search cannot be based on the field. The field visibility is determined by the settings on the Permissions tab.

For example, if the customer's email address is visible (permissions set to All Roles for search), but the field is not set as Searchable the user will be able to search for customers by name, phone, or any other field but not by email address. However, the results will still include the email address.

Create the Start Date Field

  1. In the Entity Fields text box type “Start Date”.

White spaces are supported, which is useful when you want to enter a descriptive field name. The value is saved as the field’s display name. In addition to the display name, each field has an auto-generated Name that does not contain spaces or special characters. This name is later used for the API endpoint and in other places in the generated code. If needed, you can manually change the field name in the field's properties panel.

  1. Click Add field (or just press Enter). The new field is added to the list.
  2. The field's property panel opens. Leave the defaults (Required Field inactive, Searchable active, Data Type "Date Time", and Time Zone "Local Time).

Create the Owner Field

  1. In the Entity Fields text box type “Owner”.
  2. Click Add field (or just press Enter). The new field is added to the list and the field's property panel opens.
  3. Click the Required Field toggle to make the Owner field required.
  4. Change the Data Type from Single Line Text to Relation to Entity.
  5. In the Related Entity Id field select User.

After selecting User, a modal will appear telling you to create the relation to user. The opposite related field on User needs to be created to relate User back to Project.

Click on Create and proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 - Create Roles

  1. Click the Roles icon on the main menu (left sidebar) to reach the Roles page. Here you see all the roles in your service.
  2. On the Overview page, click Go to roles, or from the main menu (left sidebar) click the Roles icon.

Currently, there's only a default User role that was auto-generated when you created the new service.

In this example, we add another two roles: Admin and Manager.

  1. In the Type role name text box, type "Admin".
  2. Click Add Role (or just press Enter). The new role is added to the list.
  3. Repeat these steps to add the "Manager" role.

Step 4 - Set Access Permissions

In order to allow users to access the entity, we need to set its permissions. To access your service's permissions:

  1. On the Overview page, click Go to Entities, or from the main menu (left sidebar) click the Entities icon.
  2. Click the Project entity.
  3. In the Project page click the Permissions tab. This opens the Permissions settings.

Permissions can be controlled separately for each of the following actions:

  • View
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Search

These actions can be set to one of the following:

  • Public - no authentication is required, so the action is available to all users, not only those with defined roles
  • All Roles - all roles can perform the action
  • Granular - only specified roles can perform the action

Set Entity Permissions

By default, all of the actions are set as All Roles.

In this example, some of the actions have been changed to Public, while the others remain as All Roles.

In the following example, we use the Granular setting to fine-tune the permissions for a role.

  1. By default, all actions (View, Create, Update, Delete, and Search) are set to All Roles.
  2. Fine tune permissions by changing the Delete permissions from All Roles to Granular and then select from the displayed roles the Admin role. This ensures that only users with the Admin role can delete projects.


Once you have selected Granular on an action such as Delete, you have to select specific roles, or no one at all can use that action.

Set Field Permissions

We will now set permissions at the field level.

  1. In the Update action, click + Add Field and select the Start Date and ID fields from the drop-down list.

  1. We now select the roles to associate with each selected field.

    In this example, for the Update action, apply Admin permissions to the startDate, and apply both Admin and Manager permissions to the id field. To do this, you first need to select Admin and Manager from the roles on this action, so you can apply those roles on the specific fields.

Visualize Your Entities with ERD View

After you've set up your new entities, fields, and permissions, you can visualize their relationships with Amplication's ERD view.

To activate the ERD view:

  1. Navigate back to the Entities page of your service.
  2. In the center, to the right of the search bar, you'll find a toggle switch.
  3. Activate the toggle to enable the ERD view.

Amplication's Entity ERD View

Step 5 - Commit Your Changes

While working in Amplication your changes are saved automatically, but are not committed. Only committed changes will be included in the next version of your generated application.

In the Pending Changes control in the right sidebar you can see the list of pending changes that are waiting to be committed.

We'll now make our first commit.

In this page, you can see that the creation of the Project entity hasn't been committed.

  1. In the commit message dialog, write a description of the changes you're committing. For example: "Added Project Entity and Manager and Admin roles".
  2. Click Commit Changes. All changes are committed. A build of the first version of your service is automatically created!

Use Code View to view and explore the generated code. You can see the updated code before it is synced with GitHub. Click the View Code icon to view the generated code.

  1. After the build process completes, you will see a new pull request created on the GitHub repo you associated with your service. You can review the pull request and after merging the generated code will be in repo using the folder structure you picked when you created your service.

You're Done!

Congratulations! You've successfully set up your service, added new entities, roles, and permissions to that service. You saw your generated code and the associated pull request on your repo.


Amplication doesn't just push your service's generated code to a git repository once. It continuously keeps track of your changes and helps you manage your service through pull requests on a git provider that you choose.

Learn more about syncing with a git provider.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to create entities, commit changes, and build new versions, let's take it a bit further by adding another entity and learning how to compare changes before committing.

You'll also learn more about how Amplication automatically tracks your code and changes in a git repository.

Building New Versions of Your Service