The Amplication VS Code extension provides a streamlined way to develop and manage plugins for Amplication directly from your IDE. This extension offers features to download plugin templates, manage dependencies, build, push, and publish new plugin versions effortlessly.


  • Download Plugin Templates: Download a plugin template to start working on a new plugin.
  • Manage Dependencies: Install dependencies for a plugin.
  • Build and Push: Build your plugin and push updates to your repository.
  • Version Publishing: Automate version bumping and publishing directly from VS Code.


To install the Amplication VS Code extension:

  1. Open VS Code.
  2. Go to the Extensions Marketplace (Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X on macOS).
  3. Search for Amplication.
  4. Click Install.

Alternatively, install it via the command line:

code --install-extension amplication.amplication


The commands are accessible from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).


Download a Template

Amplication Plugin: Download Template

Select the desired template from the available options. Currently available .Net, Node.js and Blueprint.


Install Dependencies

Amplication Plugin: Install Dependencies

You should run this command to install the plugin’s dependencies, specified in the package.json file within the plugin’s directory.



Amplication Plugin: Build

This command will build the plugin’s code and assets, allowing you to publish the plugin.


Build and Push a Plugin

Amplication Plugin: Build and Push

Like the Build, this command will build the plugin’s code. In addition, it will git commit and push the changes to your git repository.


Publish a New Plugin Version

Amplication Plugin: Publish Version

This command will automatically bump the plugin’s version (patch, minor or major) and tag the plugin with the new version.

Happy coding with Amplication! 🚀