Event Name


Event Parameters


The default content of the file is a string. If needed, the value can be parsed as an object using a YAML utility. In most cases, there is no need to manipulate this property directly. Instead, use the updateProperties parameter.

{ [key: string]: any }[]

An array that accepts any object that will be merged into the docker-compose file. The object will be deeply merged into the previous state of the file. Multiple plugins can add objects into this array, and they will be merged by the order of execution of the plugins.


The file name of the docker-compose file, the default value is docker-compose.dev.yml. Our recommendation is not to change the file name unless it’s specifically required and you understand the impact.

Unlike the CreateServerDockerCompose event, it makes more sense to replace the whole file with CreateServerDockerComposeDev. The reason for that is that in a docker-compose.dev.yml file, you usually take the DB image from Docker Hub and you want to replace the whole file’s content.