Private plugins in Amplication live in your own Git repository with a specific folder structure. Each plugin requires its own folder within a designated plugins directory, allowing Amplication to detect and manage your organization’s private plugins.

Step 1: Create Your Private Plugins Git Repository


Create a New Git Repository

Create a new, empty Git repository dedicated to housing your private plugins.


Create the plugins Folder

In the root of your repository, create a folder named plugins. This folder will contain all your individual private plugin folders.

└── plugins/

Amplication detects available plugins by searching for individual folders within the plugins directory. Each plugin folder name serves as the plugin’s unique identifier and must use kebab-case (e.g., company-auth-plugin). This folder structure is required for Amplication to recognize and add your plugins to the UI.

Step 2: Set Up Your Plugin Folder

Clone the official template into your plugins directory:

cd plugins
git clone your-plugin-id

Replace your-plugin-id with your chosen plugin identifier (e.g., company-auth-plugin).

This command clones our official Node.js plugin template, which is the recommended starting point for creating Node.js plugins.

Before committing & pushing your new plugin to git, you need to build the plugin’s assets:

cd `your-plugin-id`
npm install & npm run build
git add .
git commit -m "Here we go! 🚀"
git push

Step 3: Connect Your Repository in Amplication


Access Plugin Repository

Navigate to your project and click on Plugin Repository in the Platform Console.


Configure Git Settings

  1. Click on Git Settings in the left sidebar
  2. Enable the Override default settings toggle
  3. Select your dedicated plugin repository from the dropdown menu

Don’t use the same Git repository for your private plugins and your generated services. This can lead to conflicts and unexpected issues during the build process.

Step 4: Add Your Plugin in Amplication

When you click the Add Plugin button in the Plugin Repository tab, Amplication will automatically scan for new plugins in your connected repository’s plugins directory. The system will display any newly detected plugins that haven’t been added to your project yet.

If no new plugins are found, you’ll see a “No new plugins found in the repository” message. Ensure your plugin folder is properly created and named before attempting to add it.

Next Steps

With your repository and folder structure in place, you’re ready to continue setting up your private plugin: