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Saving Tasks to the Backend | React Todos

Table of Contents

Step 1 - HTTP Requests

Users can log in to their accounts, but their tasks are still not persisting. What users will require is the ability to create tasks, mark tasks as complete, and view all of their existing tasks.

We will need a new dependency though, qs, in the web subfolder. qs is the library we use to stringify an object for GET requests.

cd web
npm install qs
npm install -D @types/qs

We'll create functions to handle these requests in a new file, create web/src/lib/tasks.js, and at the top of the file, we'll import some of the functions we created in the web/src/lib/http.js file as well as the qs library.

import qs from "qs";
import { createUrl, get, patch, post } from "./http";
  1. First, add the create function:

    export const create = async (text, uid) => {
    const result = (
    await post(createUrl("/api/tasks"), {
    completed: false,
    uid: { id: uid },
    }).catch(() => null)

    if (!result) {
    return alert("Could not create task");

    return result;

    create will take two arguments, the text content of a new task as well as the unique ID of the user. It will make a POST request to the /api/tasks endpoint, sending a task object. The task object has three properties:

    • completed- A boolean property that tracks if a task is completed. It's being assigned to false here by default as a new task will not be completed already.
    • text - The string of the task itself.
    • - The unique ID of the user, this allows for querying tasks created by a specific user.

    One property that is not being included that we had before is id. Why aren't we assigning it? Well, we don't need to. The Amplication backend will assign a unique ID to all entries to the database, making management of data easier.

    If the request fails an alert will notify the user and the function will not return anything. On the success of the request, the new task object will be returned, with all the required properties to render it in the frontend.

  2. Next, add the getAll function:

    export const getAll = async (uid) => {
    const query = qs.stringify({
    where: { uid: { id: uid } },
    orderBy: { createdAt: "asc" },
    const result = (await get(createUrl(`/api/tasks?${query}`)).catch(() => null))

    if (!result) {
    alert("Could not get tasks");
    return [];

    return result;

    getAll takes one argument, the unique ID of the user. It will make a GET request to the /api/tasks endpoint, sending a query. In this case, we're looking to return all the tasks for a user, and the query object reflects that. Looking at the object should help make sense of what's going on.

    In the query, { where: { uid: { id: uid } } }, we're telling the backend that we are looking for all entities where the uid value of a task is set to the unique ID of a user. Additionally, in the query there is { orderBy: { createdAt: "asc" } }, which returns the tasks in the order they were created, from oldest to newest (ascending). createdAt is a property that Amplication adds to all database entries by default. If the request fails, an alert will pop up notifying the user of the failure. If the request succeeds, then all tasks created by a user will be returned as an array.

  3. Finally, add the update function:

    export const update = async (task) => {
    const result = (
    await patch(createUrl(`/api/tasks/${}`), {
    completed: !task.completed,
    }).catch(() => null)

    if (!result) {
    return alert("Could not update task");

    return result;

    update takes one argument, the task object. It will make a PATCH request to the /api/tasks/{TASK_ID} endpoint. The ID of the task object is included in the request and all that is being sent in the body of the request is a completed property, which is toggled to its new state. PATCH requests do not require a complete object, and only update the properties included in the request. In this case, we only want to update the completed property, so that's the only value we send. If the request fails an alert will pop up notifying the user of the failure. If the request succeeds then the updated task object will be returned.

Step 2 - Updating App

Presently web/src/App.js is handling the state of the user's tasks. Start by importing web/src/lib/tasks.js into web/src/App.js.

import * as tasksLib from "./lib/tasks";
  1. In the App function we can now remove the createTask, as the task object is created by the create function in the web/src/lib/tasks.js file.

    - const createTask = (text, id) => ({
    - id,
    - text,
    - completed: false,
    - });

    const addTask = (task) => {
    const temp = [...tasks];
    temp.push(createTask(task, tasks.length));
  2. We'll next modify the addTask function:

    - const addTask = (task) => {
    + const addTask = async (task) => {
    + const newTask = await tasksLib.create(task,;
    + if (!newTask) return;
    const temp = [...tasks];
    - temp.push(createTask(task, tasks.length));
    + temp.push(newTask);

    Now that we're making an asynchronous HTTP request, we'll add the async keyword to the function to allow for our code to be written and run synchronously. Then, instead of directly adding the task to the tasks array it'll be passed to the create function and sent to the backend it is saved. If the request fails then newTask will have no value, and the function will end right away. Otherwise, the newly created task is added to the locally stored task array and everything else executes as before.

  3. Next, we'll make updates to the toggleCompleted function:

    - const toggleCompleted = (id) => {
    + const toggleCompleted = async (task) => {
    + const updatedTask = await tasksLib.update(task);
    + if (!updatedTask) return;
    let temp = [...tasks];
    - const i = temp.findIndex((t) => === id);
    + const i = temp.findIndex((t) => ===;
    - temp[i].completed = !temp[i].completed;
    + temp[i] = updatedTask;

    toggleCompleted is now an asynchronous HTTP request as well, so again we'll add the async keyword to the function to allow for our code to be written and run synchronously. The function is also updated to instead accept the task object that is being toggled rather than the ID of the task being updated. The newly created update function for the HTTP request is called to update the task to be completed in the backend. If the request fails then updatedTask will have no value, and the function will end right away. Otherwise, the completed task is updated in the locally stored task array and everything else executes as before.

  4. Finally, we'll make some updates regarding the useEffect function:

    + const setUserFetchTasks = async (user) => {
    + setUser(user);
    + if (!user) return;
    + const result = await tasksLib.getAll(;
    + setTasks(result);
    + };

    useEffect(() => {
    async function getUser() {
    const result = await me();
    - setUser(result);
    + setUserFetchTasks(result);
    - }, [setUser]);
    + }, [setUser, setTasks]);

    A new function is created setUserFetchTasks, which takes a user object and updates the user variable in the App function. If there is a new user object the getAll function is called to fetch all tasks belonging to the user. With the tasks fetched setTasks is called to updated the tasks variable in the App function.

    useEffect is updated to call setUserFetchTasks instead of setUser to handle updating the user and tasks when the app is loaded.

Step 3 - Updating Auth

Tasks belonging to a user are fetched on a load of the application if the user is signed in. But if a user was not signed in at the start of the application then we'll need to fetch the user's tasks when they sign in.

We've already added a function to update the user variable and then fetch and update their tasks, so we just need to update the Auth component to use this function. Update the render of the App function in web/src/App.js as so:

return (
{user ? (
<CreateTask addTask={addTask} />
<Tasks tasks={tasks} toggleCompleted={toggleCompleted} />
) : (
- <Auth setUser={setUser} />
+ <Auth setUser={setUserFetchTasks} />

Step 4 - Updating Task

With almost everything in place, just a few changes to web/src/Task.js are required. Update the return of the Task function like so:

return (
<li className={completed ? "completed" : "incompleted"}>
- onClick={() => toggleCompleted(}
+ onClick={() => toggleCompleted(task)}
- onChange={() => setCompleted(task.completed)}
+ onChange={() => setCompleted(!task.completed)}

Step 5 - Wrap Up

Run the application and try creating some tasks. Feel free to refresh the page as well.

Users' tasks are now being saved to the Amplication backend and still show when users refresh or revisit the application.

So far we've done everything through HTTP calls, however, Amplication also supports GraphQL. Next, we'll update the Todos app to handle all data requests via GraphQL queries and mutations.

To view the changes for this step, visit here.