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Adding Custom Endpoints | Angular Todos

Table of Contents

Step 1 - Creating Users

In the previous step, we applied permissions to the User entity so that only users with the User role can create entries. This is generally secure, but we want to enable new users to also create an account. Instead of modifying the endpoint for creating a user, we will build a new endpoint specifically allowing a new user to be created.

  1. Open server/src/auth/auth.service.ts in your IDE. In the AuthService class you'll see that there already exists a method, login, that validates a user and, if it is a valid user, returns an access token.

  2. Here we will add a method to enable the users to sign up. Copy the below method after the login method, and take the time to read through the comments to get a better understanding of what this code does.

     async signup(credentials: Credentials): Promise<UserInfo> {
    // Extract the username and password from the body of the request
    const { username, password } = credentials;
    // Here we attempt to create a new user
    const user = await this.userService.create({
    data: {
    roles: ["todoUser"], // Here we assign every new user the `Todo User` role
    // If creating a new user fails throw an error
    if (!user) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException("Could not create user");
    // Create an access token for the newly created user
    const accessToken = await this.tokenService.createToken({
    // Return the access token as well as the some details about the user
    return {
    username: user.username,
    roles: (user.roles as {roles: string[]}).roles,
  3. With the logic in place to create a new user, a new endpoint needs to be created in the AuthController. Open server/src/auth/auth.controller.ts and copy the following method into the AuthController.

    async signup(@Body() body: Credentials): Promise<UserInfo> {
    return this.authService.signup(body);

    Something that may look different if you haven't had exposure to TypeScript is this: @Post("signup"). The @ is the annotation for a decorator. Decorators are a feature that allows certain properties or logic to be easily assigned to a class, method, property, and more. This decorator sets up the signup method as a POST endpoint, with the path of /signup.

  4. Finally, open server/src/auth/auth.resolver.ts and copy the following method into the AuthResolver class.

    @Mutation(() => UserInfo)
    async signup(@Args() args: LoginArgs): Promise<UserInfo> {
    return this.authService.signup(args.credentials);

    Like above, this method also is using a decorator, specifically a Mutation decorator. This is used to set up the signup method as a mutation in our GraphQL server.

Step 2 - Getting the Signed In User

Besides allowing for new users to be created, we also want to be able to get information about the user currently signed in.

  1. Open server/src/auth/token.service.ts. Here the TokenService class is exported and is responsible for creating JWT tokens when a user signs in. The JWT token is the access token that authorizes our application to make requests to our backend and stores the username of the current user. We will want to be able to extract the username to find them in the User entity. So add the following method to this class:

    * @param bearer
    * @returns the username from a jwt token
    decodeToken(bearer: string): string {
    return this.jwtService.verify(bearer).username;
  2. Return to server/src/auth/auth.service.ts and replace the imports at the top of the file with this:

    import {
    } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { UserService } from "../user/user.service";
    import { Credentials } from "./Credentials";
    import { PasswordService } from "./password.service";
    import { TokenService } from "./token.service";
    import { UserInfo } from "./UserInfo";
    import { User } from "../user/base/User";
  3. Add the new me method to the AuthService class. This method will take the authorization header of an HTTP request, decode the JWT token to get the username of the current user, and then fetch and return the user object belonging to the user.

    async me(authorization: string = ""): Promise<User> {
    const bearer = authorization.replace(/^Bearer\s/, "");
    const username = this.tokenService.decodeToken(bearer);
    const result = await this.userService.findOne({
    where: { username },
    select: {
    createdAt: true,
    firstName: true,
    id: true,
    lastName: true,
    roles: true,
    updatedAt: true,
    username: true,
    if (!result) {
    throw new NotFoundException(`No resource was found for ${username}`);

    return result;

    To make this request via an HTTP call or a GraphQL query, we'll need to expose it in the AuthController and AuthResolver as we did with the signup method above.

  4. Open server/src/auth/auth.controller.ts and replace the imports at the top of the file with this:

    import { Body, Controller, Post, Get, Req } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { ApiBearerAuth, ApiOkResponse, ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
    import { Request } from "express";
    import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
    import { Credentials } from "./Credentials";
    import { UserInfo } from "./UserInfo";
    import { User } from "../user/base/User";
  5. Add the new me method to the AuthController class.

    @ApiOkResponse({ type: User })
    async me(@Req() request: Request): Promise<User> {

    This method uses the Get decorator, meaning it's for GET requests as it's only used to fetch data. There are two other new decorators attached to this method as well: ApiBearerAuth and ApiOkResponse. While neither of them is necessary, they allow for the UI used to read our documented endpoints to show meaningful data for this endpoint. It says that a request to this endpoint must be authorized, that way we can get the JWT access token. Also, we are defining what type of object is being returned by this request; a User object.

  6. Open server/src/auth/auth.resolver.ts and replace the imports at the top of the file with this:

    import * as common from "@nestjs/common";
    import { Args, Mutation, Query, Resolver, Context } from "@nestjs/graphql";
    import { Request } from "express";
    import * as gqlACGuard from "../auth/gqlAC.guard";
    import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
    import { GqlDefaultAuthGuard } from "./gqlDefaultAuth.guard";
    import { UserData } from "./userData.decorator";
    import { LoginArgs } from "./LoginArgs";
    import { UserInfo } from "./UserInfo";
    import { User } from "../user/base/User";
  7. Add the new me method to the AuthResolver class.

    @Query(() => User)
    async me(@Context('req') request: Request): Promise<User> {

Step 3 - Run It Again

  1. With the necessary updates to our backend in place let's spin up the backend and explore our self-documented REST endpoints. Run the following command:

    npm run start:backend
  2. Once the backend is running, visit http://localhost:3000/api/ and scroll down to the auth section. A new POST endpoint, /api/signup, will appear. The endpoint can be tested right there in the browser.

  3. Click the endpoint to show more details, then click Try it out.

  4. Change the value of username and password to any string value and click Execute.

    creating a user

  5. After clicking Execute, scroll down to see the result of the request.

    the result

Step 4 - Wrap Up

We will eventually need to make a few more changes to our backend, but now users can create an account as well as sign in with their existing account.

To view the changes for this step, visit here.