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How To Set Entity Access Permissions

To control users to access an entity, we must set its permissions. We can also set permissions at the field level.

Permissions can be controlled separately for each of the following actions:

  • View
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Search

These actions can be set to one of the following:

  • Public - no authentication is required, so the action is available to all users, not only those with defined roles
  • All Roles - all roles can perform the action (default)
  • Granular - only specified roles can perform the action

Set Entity Permissions

  1. Click on the Entities tab on your dashboard to open the Entities page.

  2. Click on a specific entity.

  3. On the entity's page, click Permissions in the left sidebar.

    By default, all actions (View, Create, Update, Delete, and Search) are set to All Roles.

  4. Select All Roles (default), Public, or Granular.

  1. If you selected Granular to enable the configuration of the actions according to specific roles, continue with the next steps.

After selecting Granular, and before selecting specific roles, this action cannot be performed by any role.

  1. To give a specific role permission to perform the action, select the appropriate button.

    For example, we can give permissions to perform the Delete action to the Admin role.


When selecting a specific field, it will be available only for the selected roles for that field, and by default will not be available for any role that was not selected.

Set Field Permissions

You can set permissions at the field level.

  1. Click Add Field + and select the required fields from the drop-down list.

  1. Select the roles you want to associate with each selected field.