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How Prisma Schema Is Converted Into Amplication Entities

After you import your prisma schema, it'll go through a series of conversions so that it matches Amplication's internal structure.

These conversions are what you see in the log while your schema.prisma file is processing.


See the Log Warnings section on possible warnings you might encounter while your schema.prisma is processing.

Amplication will process your schema by running it through 3 different phases:

  1. Validate
  2. Prepare
  3. Convert

In this article, you'll learn more about those 3 conversion steps that your schema goes through so that it matches Amplication's internal structure.

Step 1: Validate

The first validation step is performed immediately after you upload your schema.prisma file.

The purpose of this step is to validate the structure and syntax of the schema.prisma file. This validation process is grounded in the Prisma conventions and other restrictions.

Besides checking structure and syntax, the validate step also checks if the schema contains any models to process. If no models are present, you will see an error, and the conversion process will stop.

Step 2: Prepare

During the prepare phase, Amplication runs the schema through 5 different conversion operations:

  1. Model Names
  2. Field Names
  3. Field Types
  4. Model IDs
  5. Model ID Field

Each operation represents a transformation to be made on the schema, and their collective execution ensures the schema is in the correct format before being used for Amplication’s entities and fields creation.

Model Names

This part renames models in the Prisma schema to follow Amplication's best practices and conventions.

Amplication's format is model names in PascalCase, no underscores, and singular.

All original model names are preserved in the database with the @@map custom attribute where necessary.


If the model already has the @@map attribute, it won’t be added, even if the model name was formatted.

Here's an example of a transformation that would happen on one model:

-model course_rating  
+model CourseRating {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
rating Int


Field Names

Field names will also go through a similar conversion.

Amplication's format for field names is camelCase and no underscores.

It also ensures that original field names are preserved in the database by adding @map custom attributes where needed.


If the field already has the @map attribute, it won’t be added, even if the field name was formatted.

Here's a quick example of a simple field name transformation:

model Product {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
name String?
-item_price Float?
+itemPrice Float? @map("item_price")
description String?
orders Order[]

Field Types

Now that Amplication has updated both the model names and field names, it has to update the types of the fields.

For example, here's how two models could see transformations:

-model products
+model Product {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
name String?
itemPrice Float?
description String?
- orders orders[]
+ orders Order[]

-model orders
+model Order {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
totalPrice Int?
- product products? @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
+ product Product? @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
productId String?

Model IDs

In the next phase, Amplication will convert the @@id attribute with one argument when you are using it as the primary key of the model. For example, @@id([field]).


Currently, using the @@id attribute as a composite ID is not supported (@@id([field1, field2])).

  • The @@id attribute in your model is converted to an @@unique attribute.
  • The field which was used as the primary key of the model through the @@id attribute is converted to an id field. This means the @id attribute is added to this field.
  • If this field has no @default() attribute representing the default id field type, the @default() attribute will be added based on the field type (String => @default(cuid()), Int => @default(autoincrement())).
  • If the primary key field is not named "id", it gets renamed to id and we add the @map attribute: @map("originalFieldName").
  • The field name in the @@id attribute is changed to "id", e.g. @@id([field]) => @@id([id]).

Here is an example of this transformation:

model DomainUnit {
+ id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("domainId")
- domainId String
unitId String

- @@id([domainId])
+ @@unique([id])

Model ID field

Finally, there's a conversion of all ID fields.

This part ensures that your schema aligns with Amplication's conventions of having an id field for each model.

non-ID fields named id are renamed to ${modelName}Id to prevent any collisions with the actual ID field.

If an ID field (a field with an @id attribute) has a different name, it's renamed to id.

In both cases, a @map custom attribute is added to the field with the original field name to preserve the actual field name in the database.

Here's an example:

model RandomName {
- randomId. Int @id
+ id Int @id @map("randomId")
- id. Int?
+ randomNameId Int? @map("id")
fullName String

Step 3: Convert

In this final step, Prisma data types get converted into Amplication data types.

Here is a table summarizing the Prisma to Amplication data type conversions:

String (ID)IdConverts ID field with String type to Amplication Id type, defaults to cuid
Int (ID)Id (autoincrement)Converts ID field with Int type to autoincrement Amplication Id
BooleanBooleanSame Boolean type
DateTime (@default(now()))CreatedAtDateTime with now() default converts to CreatedAt
DateTime (@updatedAt)UpdatedAtDateTime with updatedAt attribute converts to UpdatedAt
DateTimeDateTimePlain DateTime remains DateTime
Float, DecimalDecimal NumberFloat and Decimal convert to Decimal Number
Int, BigIntWholeNumberInt and BigInt convert to WholeNumber
StringSingleLineTextString converts to SingleLineText
JsonJsonJson types are equivalent
EnumOptionSetEnum converts to OptionSet
Enum[]MultiSelectOptionSetEnum array converts to MultiSelectOptionSet
Model relationLookupRelation to another model becomes Lookup

Common Id Field Conversion Scenarios

During schema conversion, the id field will require special handling in some cases.

1. If the id field already has a @default attribute, it gets removed.

Having multiple @default attributes is invalid. Therefore, if your id field already has a @default attribute, it will be removed during conversion. This is because a @default attribute matching the id type (like cuid()) gets added during conversion.

// Original model (After Introspection)
model User {
id Int @default(0)
name String

// After Importing Into Amplication
model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement())
name String

2. If a model doesn't have a field that can become the id, we add an id field.

The added id field will be of type String with a default cuid() value.

// Original model (After Introspection)
model Product {
price Decimal @unique
name String

// After Importing Into Amplication
model Product {
id String @id @default(cuid())
price Decimal @unique
name String

3. If multiple unique fields could become the id, the one named id gets the @id attribute.

Here's an example:

// Original Model (After Introspection)
model User {
email String @unique
name String @unique
id Int @unique

// After Importing Into Amplication
model User {
email String @unique
name String @unique
id Int @unique @id @default(autoincrement())

4. If no unique field is named id, one gets renamed to id and mapped to its original name.

If no unique field is named id, one will be renamed to id and mapped to its original name with the @map custom attribute.

// Original Model (After Introspection)
model User {
email String @unique
name String @unique
username Int @unique

// After Importing Into Amplication
model User {
id String @unique @map("email")
name String @unique
username Int @unique

Log Warnings

While your schema.prisma file is processing you'll see various types of logs like (Info) and (Warning) giving you information on what's happening in real-time.

The schema will still process with warnings, but it's possible you might want to make some changes to your schema file and re-upload after correcting the warnings.

Import Prisma Schema Upload Log

1. Custom Attributes on enum keys

Amplication currently does not support adding custom attributes to enum and enum keys. Instead, Amplication allows you to define options as an optionSet or multiSelectOptionSet.

So if your Prisma schema includes @map or @@map custom attributes on an enum or enum keys, these attributes will not be accurately represented after processing. The final schema file will not contain these mapping attributes.

If your app logic relies on @map and @@map custom attributes, you'll need to manually adjust the generated schema.prisma file or your app code to ensure everything works correctly.

2. Composite IDs on models

A model in Prisma can use the @@id custom attribute and combine fields to create a unique identifier for each record. According to Amplication's best practices, each model should have a single, distinct id field.

During schema processing. Amplication modifies IDs created with the @@id custom attribute to be @@unique custom attributes. It also introduces a new id field of type String to each model.

For example, if your generated schema.prisma file looks like the following:

model Employee {
firstName String
lastName String
birthdate DateTime

@@id([firstName, lastName, birthdate])

Amplication will transform it to look like the following:

model Employee {
+ id String @id @default(cuid())
firstName String
lastName String
birthdate DateTime

- @@id([firstName, lastName, birthdate])
+ @@unique([firstName, lastName, birthdate])

As the schema is processed, we log warning entries if we encounter a model without an id field and an existing @@id attribute.

This approach maintains uniqueness and integrity for each record in the database, but it may impact how relationships and queries are designed, given the shift from a composite id with @@id to a singular one.