How to add a custom DTO
A DTO (Data Access Object) is an object that defines how the data will be sent over the network. DTOs can be defined by TypeScript interfaces or by classes. It is preferable to use classes, as TypeScript interfaces are removed during the transpilation, and can't be referred to at runtime. However, classes are part of the JavaScript ES6 standard and are therefore preserved as real entities in the compiled JavaScript.
The Problem
The DTOs in Amplication are generated based on the relations between the entities, Prisma schema, and types. In addition to the default DTOs generated by Amplication, you may need to create a new custom DTO or extend an existing one.
For example, let's say you have an application with a Customer entity, and you want to filter all the customers by the property customerType. The data type of customerType field is option set, and in the generated code is translated to an enum.
In the generated app, you will get a DTO named CustomerFindManyArgs
with a field (for GraphQL) or ApiProperty (for REST) from type: CustomerWhereInput
required: false,
type: () => CustomerWhereInput,
@Field(() => CustomerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
@Type(() => CustomerWhereInput)
where?: CustomerWhereInput;
has its own fields/API properties, including EnumCustomerCustomerType
required: false,
enum: EnumCustomerCustomerType,
@Field(() => EnumCustomerCustomerType, { nullable: true })
customerType?: "Gold" | "Silver" | "Regular";
The Customer model from Prisma schema:
model Customer {
address Address? @relation(fields: [addressId], references: [id])
addressId String?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
customerType EnumCustomerCustomerType
email String?
firstName String?
id String @id @default(cuid())
lastName String?
orders Order[]
phone String?
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
export enum EnumCustomerCustomerType {
Gold = "Gold",
Silver = "Silver",
Regular = "Regular",
In Amplication, we support string filtering, but not enums filtering. So, in this case, we need to create a custom DTO.
When you try to query, for example, all the customer with the customer type Gold or Silver, you will get the following error:
The solution:
The following example will demonstrate how to add a new custom DTO for filtering on enums, and how to use it through the application instead of the base DTO.
- Find the right DTO
According to Prisma, EntityWhereInput wraps all model fields in a type so that the list can be filtered by any property.
that was generated by Prisma:
export type CustomerWhereInput = {
address?: XOR<AddressRelationFilter, AddressWhereInput> | null
addressId?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | Date | string
customerType?: EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter | EnumCustomerCustomerType
email?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
firstName?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
id?: StringFilter | string
lastName?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
orders?: OrderListRelationFilter
phone?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | Date | string
The type that we are looking for is the type of the property customerType
: EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter
export type EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter = {
equals?: EnumCustomerCustomerType
in?: Enumerable<EnumCustomerCustomerType>
notIn?: Enumerable<EnumCustomerCustomerType>
not?: NestedEnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter | EnumCustomerCustomerType
- In the customer folder, create a new folder named
- Inside this folder, create a two new files:
- In
file create a new classEnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter
with the following properties: (equals
) as shown above:
import { Field, InputType } from "@nestjs/graphql";
import { ApiProperty } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { IsOptional } from "class-validator";
import { Type } from "class-transformer";
import { EnumCustomerCustomerType } from "../base/EnumCustomerCustomerType";
isAbstract: true,
export class EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter {
required: false,
type: EnumCustomerCustomerType,
@Field(() => EnumCustomerCustomerType, {
nullable: true,
@Type(() => String)
equals?: EnumCustomerCustomerType;
required: false,
type: [EnumCustomerCustomerType],
@Field(() => [EnumCustomerCustomerType], {
nullable: true,
@Type(() => String)
in?: EnumCustomerCustomerType[];
required: false,
type: [EnumCustomerCustomerType],
@Field(() => [EnumCustomerCustomerType], {
nullable: true,
@Type(() => String)
notIn?: EnumCustomerCustomerType[];
required: false,
type: EnumCustomerCustomerType,
@Field(() => EnumCustomerCustomerType, {
nullable: true,
@Type(() => String)
not?: EnumCustomerCustomerType;
- In
file create a new classCustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum
decorated by@InputType()
class CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum {
required: false,
enum: EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter,
@Field(() => EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter, {
nullable: true,
customerType?: EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter;
This class should look exactly like CustomerWhereInput
, except for the customerType
field/API property who's type should be EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter
. Therefore, you need to copy and paste the other properties from the CustomerWhereInput
- Change the type of the
property inCustomerFindManyArgs
import { CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum } from "../dtos/CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum";
class CustomerFindManyArgs
required: false,
type: () => CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum,
@Field(() => CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum, { nullable: true })
@Type(() => CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum)
where?: CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum;
Check your changes
You are ready to check your changes. Just save all changes and restart your server. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/graphql/ for GraphQL and http://localhost:3000/api/ for REST to see and execute the new query.
After restarting the server, you will see in /server/schema.graphql
the new input type: CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum
input CustomerWhereInputWithFilterEnum {
address: AddressWhereUniqueInput
customerType: EnumEnumCustomerCustomerTypeFilter
email: StringNullableFilter
firstName: StringNullableFilter
id: StringFilter
lastName: StringNullableFilter
orders: OrderListRelationFilter
phone: StringNullableFilter
On GraphQL playground you will be able to create a query with enum filter
You can run your server in watch mode, which automatically restarts whenever a file in the server code is changed. Instead of using npm start, you should use this command.
nest start --debug --watch