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How To Set Entity Relations

Entities in Amplication can have relations to other entities. For example, there is a relation between a task and a project, where a project can be related to many tasks, and a task can be related to a single project.

Entity Relations Explained

Usually, at the database level, a relation is described using a Foreign Key field on one table that references a Primary Key on another table. In Amplication a relation between entities is described using a named field on both sides of the relation. It is made to allow easy navigation from one side of the relation to the other, especially in graphQL queries.

For example, The relation between a project and its tasks is described by a Project field on the Task entity, and a Tasks field on the Project entity.

A Tasks field on the Project entity:

A Project field on the Task entity:


To set the type of relationship between entities (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), you need to have it set separately on each side of the relation. Each side defines whether it can relate to a single or multiple objects on the other side.

Creating a Relation

To create a relation you need to create a field with data-type "Relation to Entity" and select the related entity.

At this point, Amplication will automatically generate the other field at the related entity.

By default, the relationship will be created with a one-to-many relationship, and it can be altered as needed.


A relation field can also self reference its own entity. By doing so, two new fields will be created on the same entity.

For example, a User entity can be used to describe a relationship between a manager and employees in the following way:

Relation fields in your app

Relation fields impact several areas in the generated application:

model Task {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
project Project @relation(fields: [projectId])
projectId String
estimation Int?
startDate DateTime
status EnumTaskStatus
title String

model Project {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
description String?
dueDate DateTime?
name String?
startDate DateTime?
tasks Task[]

  • Creates properties in the models and DTO classes
required: true,
type: ProjectWhereUniqueInput,
@Type(() => ProjectWhereUniqueInput)
project!: ProjectWhereUniqueInput;

  • Creates lookup properties in Input Types
class TaskWhereUniqueInput {
required: true,
type: String,
@Field(() => String)
id!: string;
  • Creates queries in the GraphQL resolvers
  @graphql.ResolveField(() => Project, { nullable: true })
async project(
@graphql.Parent() parent: Task
): Promise<Project | null> {
const result = await this.service
.findOne({ where: { id: } })

return result;