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Learn Amplication with Tutorials

To help you get started and learn Amplication in-depth we've put together some real world, step-by-step tutorials. We also have other learning resources for you on our YouTube channel and blog.

Step-by-step Tutorials

We currently have two step-by-step tutorials that help you build apps with either Angular or React.

  • Angular Todos: Build a todos app with Angular as your front-end and Amplication as your backend.
  • React Todos: Build a todos app with React as your front-end and Amplication as your backend.

YouTube Developer Guides

Image of Amplication's YouTube Channel

If you prefer video, we have various developer guides on our YouTube channel.

These includes guides like Guarding your routes in NestJS, plugging into MongoDB, and others.

Amplication's blog

Finally, we also have various developer-focused posts up on our blog.